Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Pencil Bun

Outfit Details:
Jacket- My dad's (Vintage?)
Cardigan- Old Navy
Dress- Forever 21 (years ago)
Belt- Forever21
Tights- Target
Shoes- (knock off) Doc Martins
Today I feel Wes Anderson-y. I know it probably doesn't really look like a Wes Anderson-inspired outfit or anything, and it's not. However, there are certain details that just remind me of characters in his movies. The jacket, which is my dad's from when he was younger, reminds me of Sam's in Moonrise Kingdom, even if this one's much more military than scout-like. But, you know, it's got some patches and things, and it does have a similar color. I also kind of felt like Lindsay from Freaks and Geeks.
For about the past month I've been going off and on with super heavy black eyeliner, just because I feel like Margot Tenenbaum every time I put it on. She's just such an awesome character, and it's become one of my many clothing-related dreams to own an Izod dress and a mink coat so that I can walk around and pretend that I'm a Tenenbaum. 
The pencils that I was sticking in my bun all day just reminded me of Etheline Tenenbaum. They were the reason for the post title, but mostly because I couldn't think of a better name.
Well, I hope you're all having a glitterific day!
P.S. I have ideas running through my head for what should be an awesome Valentine's themed photo shoot some time in the next few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to set that all up before the 14th so that I can share it with you all!

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